So, I'm back at uni. I've been here since Saturday evening. The leaving and travelling only involved a fraction of the usual emotional breakdown . . . even when I'm looking forward to going back (which I was, at least partly, this time) I find it difficult to say goodbye to my mum. And the packing was only completed ten minutes after we were meant to be leaving . . . and I later found that I'd left a box behind. A box with all my dvds in it. It also had a few other notable things, such as a couple of folders, my cheque books and passport, but it was the dvd loss which was distressing.
Anyhow, I slightly digress. Being back is it's usual mixture of pros and cons. My room is massive, faces out onto an amazing street, has a window seat, and is actually warm. However, it's also right at the top of the building, up several flights of stairs, and there is no lift. So I'm gonna be fit by the end of term.
I've had chance to catch up with a few very wonderful people who I missed a lot over the summer. And I'm meeting with some more over the next few days. However, I only know a few of the people on my corridor, and there's always going to be elements of the uni halls experience that are a little lonely compared to being in a house with a rather loud family.
I've brought my guitar with me this term, which is already providing much needed creative distraction. But I'm not sure if it makes up for the awkwardness of the unisex bathroom with it's two shower cubicles and two toilet cubicles in a rather . . . echoey space, and where the chances of you meeting a someone for the first time after they exit the toilet are rather high :-s
The pre-lecture days are fun but I always find working at the Freshers Fair a bit stressful.
And the course this year looks great. But I should have read more over the summer . . .
So that's my up and down life a the moment.
In other news, I'm enjoying Flasforward, but think comparisons to Lost are unwarranted and unfair. It's a very different show - far more slow-burning, and more fiddly. Wish they'd take a few lessons from Lost and not see the need to over-explain every twist in flashback, it gets a bit insulting. And it's yet to do one of the complete rug-puller moments that Lost is well-known for, but the first time Lost truly did that was the fourth episode of the first series, so we have time yet. But Flashforward does have these little moments and scenes which work so well - the opening to the second episode for example with the children lying on the ground. Actually, any blackout lie-down moment. There's something very spooky about seeing large quantities of people 'asleep' like that. I wonder if they got the idea from that lying down game?
Oh, and the Ozark Cousins are wonderful. Really unique sound, totally different to DPC. Is there anything that Craig Benzine can't do? That man is my hero.
SHORE LINE - new print release!
8 years ago
1 comment:
i am always forgetting things! hope you get your stuff back :)
i thought my college dorm was progressive with being co-ed on the same floor but unisex bathrooms...eek!
i tried to watch Flash Forward but i found some of the acting just atrocious and with so much else to watch i just deleted it off my dvr. but at least LOST will be back at some point!
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