Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Kennedy related despair

I was halfway through a vaguely ok blog post when the blogger made the window disappear. I hate it when it does that.

I'm too tired to type it all out again :-s To sum it up, I've spent most of the evening looking for some way of watching PT109 without having to pay £50 for the one and only video of it on Amazon. No video of it on Youtube or other such sites, no dvd release, seemingly no other VHS that isn't American region, and only one place to download it from (and though I don't fully understand the legal and virus implications, I'm too paranoid to go for that option). I'm still not full convinced that the £50 copy is UK region. It better be.

The original post attempted to be far more more insightful than that. Ponderings on how unusual it is to find anything that can't be bought or viewed with the click of a button these days. But the silly blogger ate that version, and now I must sleep. Zzzzzzzzz.

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