Hello world!
(Cue Pogabat's music - da da DA da da DA da da DA Daaaaa!)
I couldn't think of what to call this post, but I am drinking tea, and I do have a rash on my hand at the mo. I'm not sure what's caused it, but it seems to only flare up mid-way through each university term, and then disappear a week after I get home. I've thought many things - the cold, a lack of vitamins, stress? Current thinking is that I'm allergic to some cleaning product they use here, so I've been trying to keep out of my room all day on the day it's cleaned, but this doesn't seem to be having much affect . . .
When did I last write? I should have checked that before starting to write this . . .oh, November 5th methinks? What have I done since then?
* I went to the British Film Institute Library. It cost me a small fortune to get there, and I got lost and walked round in circles until my feet ached, and got very wet on the way back because my boots leak . . .but it was AMAZING. Just unbelievably cool. And SO useful for my dissertation. Yey :) I'm going back there tomorrow.
* I saw one of the best-reviewed plays at the local theatre this term. It was beautifully put together, and the little dancing scenes beween each act were stunning, but it was weird and dark and depressing, and not as good as the other shows I've seen in the last few weeks.
* I saw Star Trek at film society. I love that film so much. It feels like a classic already. It ticks the sci-fi, drama, romance, adventure and breath-taking special effects boxes. And it makes me cry in the first five minutes. Not many films can say that.
* I got a ticket to the Snow Ball! Hopefully.
* I gave up on Flashfoward, then decided I hadn't . . . I can't work out whether the screenwriters are being very clever, or have written themselves into a complete hole. The dialogue is terrible, and I really don't care about any of the characters, despite the great cast. It certainly isn't Lost. Hype gets you nowhere.
* I had no lecture today, and was going to do lots of work to make up for it, but totally failed to do so. And as I typed that last sentence, I realised that I have a French class in an hour and a half, and I still havn't started the translation. Oooops. Better do that now.
It's Rememberance Day here in the UK. I'm not sure if it is elsewhere in the world too? Anyway, this day always makes me think of World War I poetry. And today I thought of this poem by Wilfred Owen.
Peace out.
SHORE LINE - new print release!
8 years ago